Letters to director
Response to Dr. David Briskey's reply
Respuesta a la réplica del Dr. David Briskey
Rafael Gálvez Mateos1, Antonio Aguilar Ros2
1Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (Graanada), 2Grupo de investigación: Atención Farmacéutica y Desarrollo del Medicamento. Univ. San Pablo-CEU (Madrid)
Recepción: 13 febrero 2024
Aceptación: 13 febrero 2024
Publicación: 5 marzo 2024
Response by the authors of the article “Practical update on oral palmythopylethanolamide (PEAum) in the management of chronic pain. Narrative review” to Dr. David Briskey's reply
Keywords: Reply, letter to the Editor
Respuesta de los autores del artículo “Actualización práctica sobre la palmitoiletanolamida ((PEAum) oral en el manejo del dolor crónico. Revisión narrativa” a la réplica del Dr. David Briskey
Palabras clave: Réplica, carta al director
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We appreciate Dr David Briskey’s comments on our article. We do indeed refer to the LipiSperse system, stating that further studies on bioavailability of the LipiSperse system are needed. However, Dr Briskey’s literature reference 27 describes a bioavailability test compared to the standard form of PEA, with results that seem to indicate better bioavailability for the LipiSperse system. Therefore, we believe it can be stated that PEA under this oral absorption system, the LipiSperse system, is of benefit and superior to the standard formulation of PEA. In our article, we have not compared the bioavailability of the micronised and ultra-micronised forms with the LipiSperse system, as, to our knowledge, there are no comparative studies between these dosage forms. Here, too, we agree with Dr Briskey. Finally, the enterohepatic cycling that appears to occur with LipiSperse may contribute to better bioavailability of this form.

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Gálvez Mateos R, Aguilar Ros A. Response to Dr. David Briskey's reply. MPJ. 2024;4:25-25

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